The cites Boden, Haparanda,
Stockholm and Gothenburg has one thing in common – it
exists prophesies about them, that predict war and destruction. In the
artists book When God Warns these prophesies are gathering, together
with outer visions about the North.Through an essayistic footnote
system these are connected to parallel events in the society. Spy
affairs, The Cold War, popular culture and religious movements is
creating a context there these apparitions not seems that apart.
Many of the pictures in the book are from unspectacular places –
a lake or a forest far from habitation. Clear-felled area and small
sand roads get together with sublime views over mountain and sunbeam
from God through dark skies. According to the prophesies it´s
these places that will be invaded by foreign army or big paratroops.
Huge flying objects will glide over the treetops or Christ apparitions
will occur on the top of the mountain. The photographs are from places
where nothing happened – yet.